Consumer Litigation Lawyer in Austin
Handling Fraud and Consumer Litigation Matters in Austin, Texas
If you are currently dealing with a matter involving consumer fraud or any type of consumer-related transaction or dispute, an Austin consumer litigation lawyer at our law firm may be able to assist you. The Law Offices of J Pete Laney handle consumer litigation matters from our office in Austin and Lubbock. Your initial consultation is free, and this may be a valuable opportunity to learn more about your legal rights and options as a plaintiff or defendant in this matter. The firm represents individuals and businesses, small and large, in consumer litigation matters of all kinds in Austin, Texas.
What is Consumer Litigation?
Consumer litigation is a field of law that deals with the rights of individuals in regard to consumer transactions. Consumer litigation may address such fields as:
- Insurance Code violations
- Construction defects
- Unfair and deceptive trade practices
- Consumer fraud
Dealing with a situation involving deceptive trade practices, insurance code violations, consumer fraud, construction defects, and other issues related to consumer law may be difficult. However, if you have a skilled attorney at your side to represent your interests in negotiations or courtroom litigation related to your case, you will have the opportunity to reach a resolution that offers you the chance at a better and brighter future. This is precisely the goal of Austin consumer litigation lawyer J Pete Laney. Whether you are an individual or a business dealing with a consumer litigation matter, our firm may be able to assist you by representing you inside and outside of the courtroom.
For help with your case, contact a Austin consumer litigation attorney at our offices today.